(books found in the bibliographies of Mr. Burke's publications)

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Reader, W. J. - London: Heinemann - 1980

Machina Ex Deo
White, L., Jr. - MIT Press: Cambridge, Mass. - 1968

Machine Breakers (The)
Bull, Angela - London: Collins - 1980

Madame de Stael
Winegarten, Renee - Leamington Spa: Berg Publishers Ltd. - 1985

Makers of Modern Geography
Dickinson, Robert E. - London: Routledge and Kegan Paul - 1969

Making of Late Antiquity (The)
Brown, Peter - Harvard University Press - 1978

Maps and Mapmakers
Tooley, R. V. - Batsford: London - 1949

Maps and Their Makers
Crone, Gerald - London: Hutchinsons University Library - 1953

Jolly, W. P. - Constable: London - 1972

Margarine: An Economic, Social and Scientific History
Stuyvenberg, J. H. van, ed. - Liverpool: Liverpool University Press - 1969

Marie Curie
Quinn, Susan. - London: Heinemann - 1995

Marrano (The)
Goldensohn, B. - Orono: University of Maine Press - 1988

Mary Queen of Scots: A Study in Failure
Wormald, Jenny - George Philip: London - 1988

Mary Shelley
Mellor, Anne K. - London: Routledge - 1988

Singer, Peter - Oxford: OUP - 1980

Mathematics in Western Culture
Kline, Morris - Pelican: Harmondsworth - 1953

Maze of Ingenuity (The)
Pacey, Arnold - Allen Lane: London - 1974

Meaning of Fossils: Episodes in Palaeontology (The)
Rudwick, M. J. S. - Macdonald: London - 1972

Mediaeval Humanism
Southern, R. W. - Basil Blackwell: Oxford - 1970

Medical Revolution in France
Vess, D. M. - University of Florida Press - 1975

Medical Statistics from Graunt to Farr
Greenwood, M. - Cambridge University Press - 1948

Medical World of the Eighteenth Century (The)
King, Lester S. - University of Chicago Press - 1958

Medicine and the Reign of Technology
Reiser, S. J. - Cambridge University Press - 1978

Medicine at the Paris Hospital, 1794-1848
Ackernecht, E. H. - Johns Hopkins University Press - 1967

Medieval CastIe (The)
Warner, Philip - Arthur Barker: London - 1971

Medieval Cities
Pirenne, Henri - Doubleday: New York - 1956

Medieval Craftsmen
Harvey, John - Batsford: London - 1975

Medieval Flanders
Nicholas, David - Harlow, England: Longman - 1992

Medieval Machine (The)
Gimpel, Jean - Gollancz: London - 1977

Medieval Thought
Leff, Gordon - Penguin: Harmondsworth - 1958

Mediterranean and the Mediterranean World, 2 vols (The)
Braudel, Fernand - Collins: London - 1949

Manschreck, Clyde Leonard - New York: Oxford University Press - 1970

Memoir of William MacClure (A)
Morton, S. G. - Philadelphia: Academy of Natural Science - 1844

Memoirs of Heinrich Schliemann
Deuel, Leo. ed. - London: Hutchinson - 1978

Memoirs of the Extraordinary Life, Works and Discoveries of Martin Scriblerus
Kerby-Miller, Charles, ed. - New Haven: Yale University Press - 1950

Men and Discoveries in Electricity
Morgan, Bryan - John Murray: London - 1952

Metals in the Service of Man
Street, A. and Alexander, W. - Penguin: Harmondsworth - 1962

Michael Faraday: A Biography
Williams, L. P. - London: Chapman & Hall - 1965

Mind and Art of G. B. Piranesi (The)
Wilton-Ely, J. - London: Thames & Hudson - 1988

Ming Pottery and Porcelain
Jenyns, Soame - London: Faber & Faber - 1988

Modern Air-Conditioning, Heating and Ventilating
Carrier, Willis H., ed. - Aulander, N.C.: Pitman Publishing - 1940

Mon Cher Papa
Lopez, Claude-Anne - Yale University Press - 1966

Burke, Peter - Oxford: Oxford University Press - 1994

Mighty Leaf (The) : Tobacco Through the Centuries
Brooks, Jerome E. - London: Alvin Redman Ltd. - 1953

Military Architecture
Hughes, Quentin - Hugh Evelyn: London - 1974

Military Revolution (The)
Parker, Geoffrey - Cambridge: Cambridge University Press - 1988

Mind and Art of G. B. Piranesi (The)
Wilton-Ely, J. - London: Thames & Hudson - 1988

Mme de Stael
Winegarten, Renee - Leamington Spa: Berg Publishers Ltd. - 1985

Modes of Greek Thought
Tejera, Victorino - Prentice-Hall: Englewood Cliffs, N. J. - 1971

Myth and Reality
Eliade, Mircea - Allen & Unwin: London - 1963

Myths to Live By
Campbell, Joe - Souvenir Press: London - 1973

Napoleon's Egyptian Campaigns
Barthorp M - 1798-1801. London: Osprey Publishing - 1978

Natural History of Quackery (The)
Jameson, Eric - London: Michael Joseph - 1961

Nature of Light: An Historical Survey (The), trans. V. Barocas
Ronchi, Vasco - Heinemann: London - 1970

Hibbert, Christopher - London: Viking - 1994

Honour, Hugh - Harmondsworth, England: Penguin - 1968

Honour, Hugh - London: Penguin Books - 1991

New Helvetia Diary
Sutter, J. A. - California: The Crabhorn Press - 1939

New Trends in Education in the Eighteenth Century
Hans, Nicholas - Routledge & Kegan Paul: London - 1951

Newtonian Revolution (The)
Cohen, I. Bernard - Cambridge University Press - 1980

Nicholas Cusanus
Moffit-Watts, P. - Leiden: E. J. Brill - 1982

Nile and Egyptian Civilisation (The)
Moret, A. - Kegan Paul: London - 1927

Norbert Wiener
Masani, P. R. - Basel, Boston, Berlin: Birkhauser Verlag - 1990

Normans in Sicily (The)
Norwich, John Julius - London: Penguin Books - 1992

One Million Mercenaries: Swiss Soldiers in the Armies of the World
McCormack, John - London: Lee Cooper - 1993

Opium War (The)
Inglis, Brian. - London: Hodder & Stoughton - 1976

Organ (The)
Sumner, William L. - Macdonald: London - 1973

Origin and Development of the Law of the Sea (The)
Anand, R. P. - The Hague: Martinus Nijhoff - 1983

Origin and Meaning of Courtly Love (The)
Boase, Roger - Manchester: Manchester University Press - 1977

Origins and Early History of Opera (The)
Kardross, John - Sydney: University of Sydney Press - 1957

Origins of Physiocracy, Economic Revolution and Social Order (The)
Fox-Genovese, Elizabeth - Ithaca: Cornell University Press - 1976

Origins of the Industrial Revolution
Flinn, M. W. - Longman: London - 1966

Osborne Reynolds
Gibson, A. H. - London: Longmans, Green & Co. - 1946