(books found in the bibliographies of Mr. Burke's publications)

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Unbound Prometheus (The)
Landes, D. S. - Cambridge University Press - 1969

United States Business Performance Abroad: The Case Study of the United Fruit Company in Latin America
May, Stacy - New York: National Planning Association - 1958

Valois Burgundy
Vaughan, Richard - Penguin: Harmondsworth - 1975

Phillips-Matz, Mary Jane - Oxford: Oxford University Press - 1993

Very Scientific Gentlemam (A): The Major Achievements of Henry Clifton Sorby
Higham, Norman - Oxford, England: Pergamon Press - 1963

Victorian Public School (The)
Simon, Brian, and Bradley, Ian - Gill & Macmillan: Dublin - 1975

Victorian Social Medicine: Ideas and Methods of William Farr
Eyler, J. M. - Johns Hopkins University Press - 1979

Visible Hand (The). The Managerial Revolution in American Business
Chandler, Alfred D. - Cambridge: Harvard University Press - 1977

Besterman, Theodore - Oxford: Basil Blackwell -1976

Wade in Scotland
Salmond, J. B. - Moray Press: London - 1934

Wallace and Natural Selection
McKinney, H. Louis - Yale University Press - 1972

Water Closet (The)
Palmer, R. - Newton Abbot, England: David & Charles - 1973

Watershed (The): A Biography of Johannes Kepler
Koestler, Arthur - Lanham, Md: University Press of America - 1960

War in European History
Howard, M. - Oxford University Press - 1976

William Godwin
Marshall, P. H. - New Haven & London: Yale University Press - 1984

William Morris and His World
Bradley, Ian - London: Thames & Hudson -1978

Work of Robert Adam (The)
Beard, G. - London: Bartholemew -1978

World of George Berkeley (The)
Houghton, Raymond - Dublin: Eason & Son Ltd. - 1985

World of Humanism 1453-1517 (The)
Gilmore, Myron P. - Harvard University Press - 1962

World of the Florentine Renaissance Artist (The)
Wackernagel, Martin - Princeton University Press - 1981

Zen and the Art of Tea Ceremony
Hammitszchen, H. - Harmondsworth, England: Penguin - 1979

Stephens, W. P. - Oxford: Clarendon Press - 1994

Zwingli: His Life and Work
Gabler, Ulrich - Trans. Ruth C. L. Gritsch - Edinburgh: T. & T. Clark Ltd. - 1986